Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We're Going to be Parents!

Andy and I are three months pregnant with our first baby! We were married on November 3, 2007 and found out we were pregnant upon our return from our honeymoon. As it turns out, our baby was most likely conceived on our wedding night! Talk about not wasting any time!

The baby is due July 30th, 2008. We do not yet know if it is a boy or a girl but we look forward to finding out as soon as possible. In our first ultrasound, we got to see the heartbeat and a little bean-like shape. It was so exciting! It made it all so real. Our next Dr. appt. is July 23rd but I don't think there will be another ultrasound until February. Hopefully, we'll be able to find out if it is a boy or girl then.

Even though it is still very early in my pregnancy, I am already showing. I ventured to the maternity clothes section this past weekend, and I'll tell ya, it has been a blessing to have clothes that I'm not popping out of. I can breathe again! I have been lucky so far in that I have not been sick, though I have started to get headaches often. I hear those will go away in the second trimester. I sure hope so! I also have been very tired and very hungry, though I know that little sucker can't be eating much yet. I've been walking on our treadmill every morning to try not to turn into a blimp and also supposedly to help ease my delivery. We shall see...

Wow, we're going to be parents! Andy and I are thrilled and scared all at the same time as we take this next huge step in our lives. We are so lucky to have the support of our family and friends. We love you guys!